Why we are excited about our business-1
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Why We’re Excited About Our Business : Part I

We’ve been relatively quiet over the last couple of weeks.

This is because we’ve set ourselves some new objectives and have had to temporarily shift focus for a longer-termed gain. So, what’s new?


We’ve partnered with some excellent companies in recent times and are in the process of cementing additional partnerships that will really benefit Fortitude 17 and our new partners.

Our approach to partnership is quality over quantity and we will only collaborate with companies whose values and approach to business align with our own.

Our Website

It’s been under construction for a hot minute but will certainly be worth the wait. We’ll be introducing you to our services, our partners and most importantly, our team!

Our Training Course

Since segueing into the world of eLearning, we are also developing a training course for users. Yes, we are being deliberately vague and in due course, we will share more details on the eLearning element of our business.

Whilst these points are all integral to why we’re excited for what lies on the horizon of our business right now, it doesn’t complete the story.

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