Why we are excited about our business
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Why We’re Excited About Our Business : Part II

Finally… Our Approach to Business

We want to be the best testing and training consultancy we can be, and if that means we deviate away from the norm, we’re all for it.

One thing we are invested in behind the scenes is doing our part to make the world a better place. We are continuing to reduce our carbon footprint as a company by cutting any unnecessary travel and host over 95% of our meetings online, and this year, we’ve joined a carbon offset project that plants trees to offset emissions. 

In addition, we are working to create an incentive that sees a small percentage for every training course we sell invested back into youth education, specifically IT and computing. We anticipate this will be officially launched by Q2 2023.

Our Methods

Our consultants are continuously improving their Dynamics knowledge by attending courses and working with test tools and test environments. We always want our team to be the best consultants possible and enabling that confidence is often underpinned by practice and understanding.

We have suites of test processes and access to a fabulous test tool that we aim to utilise on each of our automation projects. We have a templated approach that we modify for each client. That means our methods are tried, tested and refined. We work with clients to deliver to their needs, not to our own agenda or gratification.

To find out how we can help you and the team, contact us on hello@fortitude17.com

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